Saturday, May 10, 2008


I feel the most difficult part for
me will be completing this because
I have not seen anyone else's blogs.

Where are they?

I do not think I know enough about this yet.


Friday, May 9, 2008



Okay, here is my rerecorded version of
the 7.5 Habits.

I particularly like #2
~Accept responsibility
for your OWN learning~
I like this because
ultimately it is up to you to
take the reigns of your own education
(whether through life or institution
or what-have-you).
You have the power to choose. I personally need to work on
this a whole bunch.

I like #7 also ~Teach/Mentor others~
I believe this
greatly enhances ones own learning.
And get outside of the box. You do not have to be a teacher
at a school.

I wholeheartedly agree with what Terry Molina, and Margaret
say about the 7 1/2 Habit! (Read their blogs to find out)

What Rebeca said about NEVER being too old to learn
I absolutely agree with.

So, this is my diatribe on some of the 7 1/2 Habits.

They all seem true, to have them working in your life
is the formula for making them not
seem so daunting.
